I just started to open up my shop at Zazzle. I'm just learning the ropes so check back often to see what I've added.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that I could put my art on KED SHOES!!!! How freakin' exciting is that? I can't believe how cool that is!
I'll be dancin' in the streets in these babies!
Tascha, I know that is so cool. Peach Cheek started on Zazzle a while back and she is getting her art on various products. It looks so fun. Have fun.
OMG are you serious!
That's awesome...SO cool...I love it...going to check it out NOW!
Gorgeous shoes!
those shoes are tooo fabulous for words - dare I own 103 pairs of shoes...
Whee, I have a friend who makes cupcake shoes. I'm tempted too:) Those Frida keds look GREAT!!!
OMG - that is one beautiful pair of shoes!
wow! now that is amazing!~
Oh my gosh, how flippin' adorable! :)
omg hehe thats the funniest thing ever!!! xD
Oh Tascha, that's just awesome!
Tasha those are very cute! I opened a zazzle but then only designed one shirt! lol. Oh if only there was more time! I remember being impressed to see that one could even design a skateboard deck!
Art on keds is so cool! :D Scarlettcat has some lovely art keds. Your keds look so bright and cheerful! My print arrived all safe and sound and I love it! Thanks so much xx
You wouldn't know it from looking at my everyday wardrobe--jeans,tee and old navy flip-flops, but I am such a shoe wh*re...
Those Frida Keds are so awesome... I have to go back and look and drool some more.
Yes, freaking awesome indeed! What a clever idea. :)
Oh my gosh,I love them!!Now I have to go check out zazzle...
Hey Tascha-
It's me again.I just went to your zazzle link and checked it out-how great-I love 'different' shoes,hence my small collection...I noticed you can change the colors of the sole etc...How neat-I tried it in black.
Can't wait to see what else you add to your shop:)
I too love painting old Keds. I have one pair left since I make them for friends. Hmmm, you've given me an idea to post my shoes on my blog. Anyway, I LOVE YOUR SHOES!! Make more!!
Seriously, those are SOOOO cool!!! I LOVE them...i have got to go check them out. Your art is perfect on everything!!
That really is more than cool.
A great idea!
I would like to have these shoes myselfe.
I used to paint my shoes when I was a teenager and others would ask me to paint theirs- I love your keds- so much fun!
I couldn't stand it! I had to buy a pair!!!! I am SOOO excited. They are going to be my magic shoes. How could they not be with Tascha and Frida adorning my feet???!!
I desperately needed some cheering up today and these definitely helped :).
OMG, these are fabulous!! I sooooooo wish I could wear Keds, but alas, they have a slight arch built in, which doesn't work for flat-footed me.....LOVIN' that mug though. Will we see other products too? :)
~ Carolee
Wow! And they look so cute too. I'm going to have to pop on over there and see.
Thanks for stopping by today;)
omg these are a riot!!!! They are just too cute for words!!
Oh my gOOdness! They're FABULOUS!!! X:-)...Now you know that you will just HAVE to ~dance~ in them!
beautiful, beautiful
OMG!!! I WANT!! These are beyond cool!! I would love to see Red and the Wolf on a pair of sneakers, that were then on my feet. *LOL*
Whoa! How cool is that!? Can't wait to see you dancing in the streets. You silly silly girl.
seriously??!! they look so cute!!!
They're incredible! I am almost speechless here!
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