Four years ago I decided I wanted a sectional sofa. A nice big sectional that would be comfortable for both me and my boyfriend. That it was. I would lay on one of the sides, my boyfriend on the other. But the sofa was so large that it took up half the room. I remember the struggle the movers had when they delivered it! They *barely* got it threw the door. My angel kitty Bailey would scratch at it. Since she had diabetes, I let her do whatever she wanted. The arm rests became slightly tattered.
Then I got Lily and Opie and they couldn't resist but scratch it too. It got a bit ridiculous looking after a while. I decided I just had to get rid of it, and buy something smaller....with less...scratch-ability.
My boyfriend and I wrestled this sofa out of the apartment today. And by wrestling, I mean drop down, wrestle. The sofa won.
We got ONE side of the sofa out...the other side refused to go. We paid the maintenance man to come up with a sledge hammer and break the sofa in half. It finally gave up and we wedged it out. Bye bye monster sofa.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
art facts TAG
Hi Y'all!
I've been tagged by the FABULOUS Chris Stott to give 5 ART FACTS about myself. I will then tag someone and so on and so on.
Okay here we go:
1. I paint mostly in the evening. After the city has gone to sleep.
2. I graduated from the Ontario College of Art and Design in 1997.
3. My favorite acrylic paint brand is Golden.
4. Lately I listen to Joel Osteen's CD book while painting.
5. I always finish a painting in one sitting. I don't like going back and working on art after I started it. My mood may have changed and the style might not be consistent
Now I am going to tag Christine Clemmensen to tell us about her 5 art facts!
I've been tagged by the FABULOUS Chris Stott to give 5 ART FACTS about myself. I will then tag someone and so on and so on.
Okay here we go:
1. I paint mostly in the evening. After the city has gone to sleep.
2. I graduated from the Ontario College of Art and Design in 1997.
3. My favorite acrylic paint brand is Golden.
4. Lately I listen to Joel Osteen's CD book while painting.
5. I always finish a painting in one sitting. I don't like going back and working on art after I started it. My mood may have changed and the style might not be consistent
Now I am going to tag Christine Clemmensen to tell us about her 5 art facts!
Mermaids in Corsets

Here is my newest Mermaid. She's a little bit sexy, isn't she? This one has a very vintage feel to it.
She's up for auction on EBAY
Monday, December 17, 2007
Oh happy day! I was on the front page of etsy!

The sweet Paulette at PauletteInsall sent me a message letting me know I was on the front page of etsy! There is my wee little "Sewing Girl" print in the middle.
I was choosen by vaivanat to be in her treasury.
BIG HUGS to you vaivanat!!!!!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Winter Wonderland
Today I woke up to a winter wonderland. I snapped this pic of my little pink flamingo out in the window box. (I've had that flamingo for about 10 years. I got him at a dollar store and he has sort of become my mascot for the summer)
It was all white out today. I couldn't see across the street. It has since eased up a bit. I'm thinking of going out and getting a humidifier today. Should I make the trek?
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Baby it's cold outside!
Well, there is a BIG STORM headed our way. Usually Morgan and I go to the grocery store on Sunday...but the news warned people to stay in tomorrow. So we went today :)
After grocery shopping we went out to do some Christmas shopping. We walked. UGH! One step forward, two steps back. It was so slippery!
I brought my camera along with me and I held the camera at arms length and snapped this shot of us out at Dundas Square.
(We're both a bit frazzled!)

We took the subway home because we both were too cold to walk back.
After grocery shopping we went out to do some Christmas shopping. We walked. UGH! One step forward, two steps back. It was so slippery!
I brought my camera along with me and I held the camera at arms length and snapped this shot of us out at Dundas Square.
(We're both a bit frazzled!)

We took the subway home because we both were too cold to walk back.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
And the winner of the earrings is.....
This is a how to video on how to make some simple earrings. +PLUS I draw for the winner of yesterday's draw!
Do you like these earrings?

Yes? Well, they could be yours!
Yep, I'm having another draw!
I just LURV to give stuff away.
Leave me a comment on this post, and on Thursday night I will draw for a winner.
These are nice smokey topaz drop style earrings!
Okay I'm going to draw the name of the winner. Stay tuned!
The draw is now closed.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
My mom was in the paper!

My mom Bonnie (the lady on the left) decided she wanted to give back to the community she grew up in. There is a community center now in the area (The Boy's and Girl's Club) that gives kids a place to spend time and do crafts. My mom decided to raise money for the organization by doing a painting of the main street. She is framing the prints and selling them with 100% of the money going to The Boy's and Girl's Club. Her highschool friend Joan helped out by writing a poem about the neightbourhood which will be given with every print.

This is a picture of the painting....the newsprint from the paper makes it hard to see.
If you are in the London Ontario area, stop by Walker's restaurant on Wellington St. and pick up one of these prints! It's for a great cause!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Last minute Christmas painting
Season's greetings! Sorry I haven't been updating as much as I should. I've been busy getting ready for Christmas. I've managed to do a few cute paintings to end the year off with.
This one is now *sold*:

Also I did a 10x5 collage piece "Girl in Yellow", also on ebay:

I've added a print of the darling "sewing girl" located at my esty shop.

I should be making a new video soon!
Keep cozy!
This one is now *sold*:

Also I did a 10x5 collage piece "Girl in Yellow", also on ebay:

I've added a print of the darling "sewing girl" located at my esty shop.

I should be making a new video soon!
Keep cozy!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Lookie what I found on etsy!

I was looking around on etsy and found this sweet coffee corset that was inspired by my ladybug painting! Of course I just had to buy it! It was named after me! I am going look pretty darn cool whipping that little number out at Starbucks :) ...I don't usually go to Starbucks...but now I will have to with this sexy cup corset!
You can find Jenn's coffee corsets at Jenngee on etsy!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
They featured me on Youtube!

I was wondering the other day why my one video (Painting in fast motion) was getting so many hits.....then I realized that YOUTUBE CANADA had featured me on their front page! Now it has moved down to about the middle of the page. I guess it gets knocked down one spot each day. I'm up to over 13,000 hits! A bunch of sweet comments too! I'm still not 100% comfortable in front of the camera, but I hope that will continue to improve. Thanks to everyone who has subscribed to my channel! xoxox
My new Favorite painting :)
And the winner is...
Today I numbered all the entries 1 - 18 and put them in a hat (I'm too tired to write everyone's name down:)
I drew number "6" which is the blogger named "why" :)
I have contacted "why" and will await why's address to send the sketchbook.
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who entered. I hold these draws every once in a while so don't be discouraged if you didn't win today, there is always next time.
Have a happy Tuesday!
Sunday, December 2, 2007

Hello sweet bloggers!
I'm having a draw for this wee little sketch book that has a print of my Babushka and Cat prints on the front of it.
Just post a quick message and on Tuesday I will draw for the winner. I don't think I will be video taping this draw, but I will post the winner on Tuesday.
*** This draw is now closed ***
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Playing with paper and crayons!
It's 5:15 am and maybe I should think about going to bed soon hum? I've been up all night getting this crazy video made, and I'm not sure it even makes any sense! LOL! Oh well, it is mildly entertaining if anything.
Nighty night!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Illustration Friday: EXCESS

Have you ever had a dog do this? This is my entry for this week's Illustration Friday theme of "excess".
This silly doggie got into the dog treats when his mama and daddy went out to go shopping. He's stuffed! Will he finish the rest of the bag before they get home?
Thanks for the award Susan!

The darling Susan from SWEET IMAGINATIONS sent me an award today! Yippee!!! It's the "you make me smile" award. Now I will pass this award on to two bloggers who put a smile on my face.
They are Suze over at pinkcrayonstudio and Mz. Suzi Blu! at suziblu.
Keep on smilin'!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Skating Blissfully
Do you remember when you were young and being blissful was put into everything you did?
My newest painting is a celebration of youth. I have some footage of myself and a friend skating when we were 8 years old.
I have made a new video showing this footage along with the process of my newest painting. I remember that day. Skating and falling down and laughing. You want to know something? I never remember feeling cold.
"Skating Blissfully" is at auction right now HERE.
I would also like to mention that the lovely headband I am wearing was made by RAIMBOW TREE on etsy! She is such a sweet creative girl!
I've been tagged, 5 random facts about me...
The sweet Mika has tagged me :)
She has asked me to tell you 5 random facts about it goes!
1. I love to sing, even though I am tone deaf.
2. I'm an "only child" and both my parents are "only children" (I don't have any first cousins or aunts or uncles...very small family).
3. I was on a Canadian dance TV show for 6 months in 1990 called "The Electric Circus". I wasn't a very good dancer....I just wanted to be on TV :)
4. I had my tonsils removed when I was 3.
5. I do most of my painting late at night.
Now I am going to tag cheri
She has asked me to tell you 5 random facts about it goes!
1. I love to sing, even though I am tone deaf.
2. I'm an "only child" and both my parents are "only children" (I don't have any first cousins or aunts or uncles...very small family).
3. I was on a Canadian dance TV show for 6 months in 1990 called "The Electric Circus". I wasn't a very good dancer....I just wanted to be on TV :)
4. I had my tonsils removed when I was 3.
5. I do most of my painting late at night.
Now I am going to tag cheri
Sunday, November 25, 2007
New video tomorrow!
Hi sweets!
I haven't had a lot of time lately. Sorry!
But tomorrow I should have a brand new video for you. It will have footage of me when I was 8 years old :)
Take care!
Hope you had a super weekend!
I haven't had a lot of time lately. Sorry!
But tomorrow I should have a brand new video for you. It will have footage of me when I was 8 years old :)
Take care!
Hope you had a super weekend!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Omega 3 capsules
I take my vitamins do you? Well, I only take Vitamin B Complex, Calcium and Magnesium, Vitamin D and Vitamin C. I also *sometimes* take my Omega 3 capsules. I was just watching a show on t.v. and an Animal Dotor said it was okay to give pets Omega Capsules once in a while. Sooooooo I pierced a capsule open and put some of it on my finger and tried getting Opie and Lily to lick it off. They weren't interested. They got a little on their mouths, and now they can't stop cleaning their faces! I don't blame them! This stuff smells like fish! STINKY!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Illustration Friday: SUPERSTITION

My entry is the old superstition of a black cat crossing your path. It is supposed to be bad luck.
BUT I THINK it is GOOD luck because cats are so wonderful and I could never see them as being bad luck.
*SUPERSTITION* is available at auction on ebay
Friday, November 16, 2007
Winter is coming...
Today it snowed. Not a lot...but enough to let you know that winter is coming.
At the start of every summer, I buy flowers and plant them in flower boxes out on my balcony. As fall arrives, I feel bad about letting the flowers die. I would bring them inside if I could, but the cats would eat them and get I have to leave the flowers out there all winter. It upsets me. Do flowers have feellings? I really hope not.
This new painting is about winter coming and bringing in the flowers....something I wish I could do.
The painting "WINTER IS COMING" is up for auction on ebay
At the start of every summer, I buy flowers and plant them in flower boxes out on my balcony. As fall arrives, I feel bad about letting the flowers die. I would bring them inside if I could, but the cats would eat them and get I have to leave the flowers out there all winter. It upsets me. Do flowers have feellings? I really hope not.
This new painting is about winter coming and bringing in the flowers....something I wish I could do.
The painting "WINTER IS COMING" is up for auction on ebay
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
New painting with a new video!
Today I taped myself painting this 20x16 canvas painting. I wanted you to see the process from start to finish.
This painting is currently up for auction on EBAY.
I really love this one!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Want to learn how to make a MINI hardcover journal?
I think I bit off more than I can chew with this video! It was hard to fit everything in! It is 10 minutes long, but you get the whole "from start to finish" instructions on how to make you own little hard cover book. You can then turn it into a little wee journal! SO CUTE!
If you have any questions, please feel free to post them. I know I may have skimmed over somethings that may need more detail.
P.S. I swear I don't sound this nerdy in my day to day least I HOPE I don't!
Click HERE FOR MY YOUTUBE VIDEOS and subscribe to keep up with my new ones!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
It's getting chilly!
Sorry you haven't heard from me in a couple of days. I've been super busy!
Little Opie on the other hand, has been enjoying cuddling up under the covers keeping cozy. The tempurature has really dropped the last couple of days and it is actually starting to feel like winter out there! BRRRRR! Time to get out the mittens.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Illustration Friday

This weeks Illustration Fridays theme is "HATS".
I couldn't resist.
CAT HAT is available for auction at EBAY.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Crow in the window

My newest painting incorporates tonal shading as well as very flat color. I like the way the flat color gives the painting more of a silk screen or perhaps, comic book feel.
Available at auction on ebay.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Halloween MADNESS!
Sorry this picture is a bit burry....but you only get one chance to take a picture of a cat in a costume before they rip it off!
This is Miss Lily Puss in her Halloween Witch costume. (She wanted to be a princess, but I could only find a witch costume). Sorry Lily!

Last year Lily was a duck. Opie was going to wear Lily's hand-me-downs this year and be a duck too.....but that didn't go over too well....
Opie decided he would attack and kill his hand-me-down duck costume..... oh well.... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Lily in the sun
Sunday, October 28, 2007
LARGE angel portrait
I have a new angel painting listed on EBAY tonight. It is a larger size than what I usually do measuring 20 x 16 inches. Very soft meditative colors. Large, yet simple.
UGH! The whole "set" got knocked down by Opie on this draw! The draw kind of came to an abrupt end :P
Congratualtions to the winner CYRSTAL! I have sent her an email and as soon as I hear back from her, the new magnet will be on it's way!!!
Congratualtions to the winner CYRSTAL! I have sent her an email and as soon as I hear back from her, the new magnet will be on it's way!!!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Weekend GIVEAWAY time!

Yes folks, it's that time again! It's GIVEAWAY time! WOO HOO!
You could be the winner of this fairy magnet (yep, the same style as last hiss...I know, I know, I should have gotten something different. This magnet is so cute that it needs a second run at this contest.
ANYHOOOOOO today, what I want from you to enter is, the name of your favorite TEEN movie.
I will draw the winning entry on Sunday morning.
Okay, I'll start, my favorite teen movie would have to be.....Pretty in Pink.
Your turn!
** It's Sunday morning and I'm making the draw! The contest is now closed :) **
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Mr. Right

Here is my newest painting offered on etsy. I haven't painted a man in a painting in about 5 years! I thought it would be fun to offer a man and woman portrait. The woman is wearing a crown because the man treats her like a queen. Isn't that they way it should be?
"Mr. Right" is available now on etsy.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Night owls

Any night owls out there? I guess it is the combination of not having a 9-5 job and not having kids that leads me to stay up till 3 am most nights. I always *intend* to go to bed early....but it never happens. At night I feel like I am able to paint without any interuptions. The phone won't ring, nobody will knock on the door, all the stores are closed so I can't go out anywhere even if I wanted to. All these facts make it a perfect time for me to paint. My cats like it too because they start to get silly at around midnight. Am I the only one up at these crazy late hours? It feels that way sometimes. I look out my window and I only see one other light on across the street in the other apartment building. I wonder what they're doing up so late? LOL!
"NIGHT OWL" is available on etsy right now.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
On a wing and a prayer

Flying free on the back of a birdie is my newest painting. How do you like her?
She is on etsy right now.
*** Update, she has beeen sold ***
Monday, October 22, 2007
Here is my newest painting available on EBAY. I painted this one with flat, solid graphic colors.
Happy Monday!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Forever 21

I went to the store Forever 21 today (because in my mind I will always be FOREVER 21, not 30, 31...etc. Forever 21)
I like to check the store out because the prices are quite good and the clothes are fun. Be sure to check what the garment is made out of, often times they are 100% synthetic. I found this neat top today. 50% cotton 50% poly (I'd prefer 100% cotton, but 50% will do). It is so light and comfortable! I just love it! Ya! BUT I just noticed that the price of this top on the USA website is $22.80, and I paid $31.00 for it. Hummm. The Canadian Dollar is now the same as American (infact a bit higher) but all the shops still charge more for American products. I guess it will take a while before the prices reflect the new high Canadian dollar.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007

The MUSE was inspired by Mz. Suzi Blu's newest video that shows her as a muse in a pink wig! I couldn't resist painting her like that!
This painting is up for auction on ebay.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wood canvases rule!

I have been having a lot of fun painting on wood lately. This is a new painting currently on etsy.
UPDATE **This painting has sold**
I painted the trees, girl and bird and then left the background natural wood. I also used pen and ink on this one. In the end I put a light varnish finish on it.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
New canvas board paintings!

I had some canvas boards here, and I thought today would be a good day to do some paintings on them! They are different than stretched canvas. Stretched canvas is canvas cloth stretched over wooden stretcher bars, canvas board is canvas glued to a board. Canvas boards need to be framed.

I have shown an example of how they can look matted and framed. So cute!
These are currently up for auction on my ebay site
And the winner is....
Thanks so much again for all your entries! All those love songs brought back a lot of memories and a few tears!
I have contacted the winner and I'll be awaiting her reply to get the magnet shipped out asap!
Stay tuned for more contests in the future :)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hey Hi hi!
I had such a blast with the last giveaway, that I couldn't wait another day to have another one :)
Today it is for a fridge magnet of one of my fairy paintings that I painted a long time ago. I know this isn't a huge prize (a la Price is Right) or anything, but it is just for FUN!
This is today's game:
Tell me what your favorite 80's LOVE SONG is. I know you may have a few...just pick the first one that comes to your mind. Then tomorrow (Weds. Oct 17th) in the morning, I will draw the winner! SO this is a FAST & FURIOUS contest!
Okayyyyy, I'll go first,
My favorite 80's love song is, "I wanna know what love is" by Foreigner (Cheeesy eh?)
** This contest is now closed, I will be back shortly to announce the winner! **
Monday, October 15, 2007
...and the winner is....
Thanks to everyone who entered! Your ideas for pizza toppings made me very hungry :)
Please excuse my raw video for the draw, I could barely figure out how to get it to work!
I have sent an email to the winner via their blog, so please contact me when you get it with your address.
I'll be having more draws soon so if you didn't win this time, maybe next time you will.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Okay folks, it's GIVEWAY TIME!
Today I am offering up a fun little keychain with one of my paintings as a print inside of it.
This is how we will play the game. Leave a comment for me telling me what toppings you like on your pizza.
You have till Monday morning to leave me a comment. On Monday morning I will put all the names in a bowl and draw out one name. That will be the winner of the keychain! WOOT! I will either contact you, or you can contact me, we will cross that bridge when we get to it.
So here we go! I'll go first, I like,
feta cheese, black olives, sundried tomatoes and artichoke on my pizza :)
***The contest is now closed...Thank you to all that entered! Please see the above post for the winner***
Two portraits
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Out for a WALKIES!

Back when I was a teenager, we had a Bichon Frise dog named Basil. As a family we tried to learn everything we could about raising a dog. There was a TV show on at the time called Training Dogs the Woodhouse Way, starring Barbara Woodhouse.
This was long before the days of Cesar Milan! Barbara was an older English lady, like a grandmother of sorts who really understood dogs.
She always used the term "Walkies" when it was time to take the dog out. We taught Basil "walkies" and he never forgot it.
I did a painting with a Scottie Dog going out for walk, and I printed "Walkie"....without the "s", partly because I ran out of room for the "s", and partly because this is a new abbreviated decade. Plus, let's face it, we only have time for one walkie, and that's all.
WALKIE Can be purchased at auction or "buy-it-now" on EBAY
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