I just want to follow up to my last post about grey hair.
I have nothing against people dying their hair. I totally understand the love of *
color*! When I was in Art School I colored my hair BRIGHT
PURPLE! (I will have to find a picture) I felt like a peacock with my bright, blinding purple hair. I thought (and still do) that it was very pretty. Likewise dying your hair to become a redhead or platinum blonde is stunning and fun for the eyes. I appreciate the creativity of hair and makeup. Heck, I even was a makeup artist for a couple of years! I dig it for it's artistic expression. But for me now, I feel like I am going to face something (AGE) head on by looking it in the mirror everyday and accepting it. This is just me. I don't have an office job where there are the pressures to look a certain way. I am lucky to work at home and have a boyfriend who is very welcoming of my hair becoming grey. So I am lucky that my situation is such and this makes the choice for me a lot easier than for most people.
Anderson Cooper is one of the only young people in the media I can think of who is going grey....and of course he's a man. There aren't many women willing to let it be. It's hard for a woman to go grey. Like I said, thanks to my special circumstances I am able to, quite freely, make the choice to go grey. I fully understand that the choice is not as easy for others. As I said in my last post, it's what's inside that counts, whether you dye your hair or not :)