Okay, I should find a condo to move into *someday* right? With that in mind, I keep trying to sort out all my worldly possessions and get rid of stuff I don't need anymore. When I *finally* move, I don't want it to be a big rigmarole of sorting out stuff. I want it to be an easy move.
Today I tackled the spice rack (a.k.a. the cupboard above my stove that is a "catch all of spices and aluminum foil"). Wow! Did you know that if a vanilla extract bottle with a loose cap spills at the back of the cupboard and is left to dry, it becomes super glue?
Yes, sir-ee! I was getting rid of old spices and scrubbing vanilla for a few hours. Does anyone know what recipe "ground cumin" would call for? I have a brand new bag of it, and I don't have a clue why I bought it! LOL!
So that was today's task. On to the next...
P.S. the painting above is one I did in 2005. You can see a lot of my past work at my flickr page.
Hugs to all!
Oh so cute! and ummmm about the Cumin...Mexican or Indian flavorings methinks X;-)
I like that painting Tascha. As far as cumin, it can be used for a lot of things but mainly meat, rice, that other meat pork. Mexican people, Indian and Italians use it a lot. I use it in rice, or when I make chili. Lots of things, but it only takes a little. Have a great week.
I know that vanilla glue thing! It happned to me, too. It is bad and messy - but at least it smells nice!
Ah yes, the spice cupboard. A place that I need to venture into soon.
Cumin....I use it in soup, chili, and Fahita filling.
Watching the Tony awards, so wonderful... Broadway!
Love the painting!
Ground cumin is great for fajitas, enchiladas, and chili. :)
~ Carolee
Isn't it fun to go back and browse through old paintings. It's fun to see how style evolves through the years. I love cumin. I use it in Spanish rice, Cuban black beans, black bean soup,fajita seasoning, Santa Fe Chicken and Chicken & Rice. Yum. Let me know if you want the recipes.
Many, many Cuban food dishes require ground Cumin- I'd be happy to share!
Tascha....as soon as you get your place sorted out could you come and work on our garage....NIGHTMARE!!
Hi Tascha,
Cleaning before a move....
When I moved, I found spices and tinnes food, which were 10 years old (LOL)
About cumin: I know cumin from indian, maroccan and arabic food.
And by the way, Cumin is great medicin when you have diarrhoea.
You have to swallow one spoon of cumin (it tastes like eating sawdust) twice or three times a day.
But believe me it helps great (it saved my holidays in Marocco .
I like your oldstyle paintings a lot.
I allready checked them out on the Flickr.
Wow, you were busy the last years.
This must be gazillions of paintings.
Have a good day.
I use cumin for curries - use a little bit. Or stuff like chili - use a lot (it's one of the main ingredients in those easy chili/fajita mixes you can buy)
Good morning Tasha
Girl you are very funny. Yours recount me do to laugh a lot.
I adore you to read soon of guile why it cheers my day.
Always continue that happy girl.
Okay I use Ground Cumin for "Chili" and a lot of Mexican dishes. Since I love spices, I have a lot in my cupboard. However you should move it into a container since the plastic bag can get funky from the oils.
I use cumin mostly in my homemade hot sauce (salsa) recipe but it adds a great smokey flavor to chili, tacos, etc.
LOVE this new painting! Fabulous colors as always Tascha! great!
Cumin is one of my favorite spices. We make a lot of Mexican food, and cumin is an essential ingredient. I really do honestly use it probably three times a week (at least!). I put it in with a pot of beans, to season my chili, for enchilada fillings, taco seasoning, etc... it pairs great with chili powder, garlic and onion powder for a fabulous south-of-the-border flavor. :) Yum!
I just love this old painting of yours! You should do more like it! As for cumin, the only time I used it was for a white chicken chili recipe. I don't think I've used it since tho & it's probably still sitting in the back of my spice cabinet-ha! ~ Jill
Hi Tascha
Beautiful painting. Very unique. Almost looks like it has fibers in it.
I use cumin for taco recipes or anything Mexican.
Have fun!
Cumin adds a smoky flavor. I use it quite a bit. DH is a spice hound and spices here are quickly replaced.
Cute painting!
Long ago when I first meet my husband and moved in with him. I tackled cleaning his spice shelf and yes... spices do have self life .He and my mother-in law were appalled that I threw so many out, but-"hey" cooking is so time consuming and an art form ...why use old spices? .. I do to know what cumin is used for but am sure I have some now in the spice shelf that needs tossing out!!! I am sure you will find the perfect new home and the Kitties will love it!!! Julie
WHAT A BEAUTIFUL ICON PHOTO! Lady! Youre hott. and I miss u.
I have no idea, Im not much of a cook!! But I love this old painting of yours
(Ps) ...Well you just tell that rain to get a scuttling over here Tascha! We'll take those grey clouds off your hands X;-) Thanks for droPPing by x
sounds horrible, tastes great and uses cumin.
½ Cup Flaxseed Oil
½ Cup Water
1/3 Cup Lemon Juice
2 Tbs. Balsamic or Raspberry Vinegar
2 ½ Tbs. Braggs Liquid Aminos or Tamari soy sauce
½ Cup Nutritional Yeast Powder or Flakes
2 tsp. Dijon Mustard
1 tsp. Ground Cumin, optional
A whole bag of cumin?
It's officially Taco time!!!
Hope you are well, and I admire your work.
Here is an authentic recipe from a Mexican rancher who came to visit during my childhood in Phoenix, AZ. It's my fave with cumin!
* 3 lb. pork loin roast (have the butcher cut it into stew meat sized chunks).
* 30 oz. canned pinto beans
* 16 oz. canned ranch beans w/ jalapenos
* 2 cloves garlic, chopped
* 2 Tblspoons chili powder
* 2 Tblspoons ground cumin
* 1 teaspoon oregano
* 1 can (about 4-6 oz.) chopped green chilis
* 1 teaspoon salt
Put all into a larrge crock pot. Fill with water until all the meat is covered. Cook, covered, over low heat. Add water as needed. Add more beans to suit your taste. I cook this about 6 hours, then refridgerate it overnight. In the morning skim the fat, then heat it up again. The pork will shred apart. Cook uncovered if you want to thicken it. This is the BEST stew ever! I have won first place twice with this recipe in chili cook-off contests. Serve it by putting a handful of tortilla chips in your bowl, and crunching them down a bit. Then ladle in the stew. Top with any or all of these: onions, cheese, avocado (yum!), tomatoes, lettuce, sour cream, or salsa. This only tastes better as leftovers the next day!
I hope you try it and enjoy it.
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