Today was a bit of a topsy tervy day weather wise. It started out nice and sunny and then a wild storm blew through. Thunder and lightning, with a lot of rain. But then, it stopped! As the sun set, I looked out my window and saw this pretty pink and blue sky.
The sailors say "Red sky at night, sailors delight!". I hope tomorrow is a nice day because I got too busy to get an ice cream cone this afternoon.
I took this picture of me and Lily today:
(Today was one of those "soft focus" kind of days.)

Lily is the nervous kitty of the two, but she is as sweet as pie! She likes to nuzzle into my hair, so it was hard to pull her away from my head long enough to take this picture. She's such a sweetie!
I hope tomorrow is warm and sunny and full of ice cream cones and kitty kisses!