My mom is an AMAZING artist who painted the above painting of me in the pool a few years ago. She works in oil paint on very large canvases.
She has an art show on now that is a big success! YAY MOM!
Just thought I'd share one of her paintings with you all.
WoW creative genetics! X:-)
Wow she is really good! Very impressive. Did you go to art school?
Yes, I went to the Ontario College of Art here in Toronto.
"Awesomeness" runs in the family!
Wow Tascha, that is some painting. Now we know where you get the talent. It's funny how we inherit from our blood line. Tell you mom she is an excellent painter. Thanks for sharing.
Wow, she's great. When I first looked at the painting, I thought it was a manipulated photograph.
That painting is really amazing, nothing harder than painting water I think, she really is very talented - good luck with your mom's art show - cheers Val
Your mother's work is beautiful! I love her treatment of the water and it appears she has really captured you as well.
You are two very talented women. It's wonderful that you can share this passion; what an inspiration.
Thanks for sharing...Elizabeth
Wow, that's so beautiful and amazing. Where can we see more of your Mom's art?
(...ps, I mean online?)
Your family has talent! I'd love to see more of her work. Does she have a blog or website?
Wow. Breathtaking work!
~ Carolee
Your mum is a phantastic painter.
That painting is breathtaking.
You must be very proud of her and very happy to be the subject of that painting.
Bonjour Tascha! Her painting is astonishing! Is it big? A friend of mine works in a similar style but his paintings are gigantic! 4'x6' and bigger! She is very talented. Does she still paint? I haven't been posting much on my blog, too busy with 2 BIG illustration assignements from a book publisher ... I miss it! Take care, LuLu xxx
Amazing artwork.Does she have a website so we can see more of her work?
Wow! I thought it was a photograph. I love what she did with the water! Tell me you didn't pose like that the whole time! ha ha Have a good day!
wow - what a fantastic painting! :)
Like mother like daughter! Beautiful painting. Wish I looked as good as you in a swimsuit! Would love to see more of your mom's work! ~ Jill
Wow! Look at that water. I see where your talent comes from:))
Oh my, I am so impressed!
It looks sooo wonderful!!!
Well she is good and obviously has been a great influence in your life. What is the saying "The Apple does not far from the Tree".
WOW..runs in the family! It's outstanding!
tascha, it's stunning - where can we see more of her work?
Great stuff!
Received your Frida prints - thank you!
Wow! She did an amazing job. I love all the ripples and refections in the water. Perfectly executed. Karin
That's one talented family tree!
I hope my daughter grows up to like that her mom is an artist :)
What a treasure! It's really a beautiful painting!
WOW Tascha she is truly amazing...where is her Show?
Wow! I knew this was you right away. It looks like a photograph, yet even better!
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