I've been so busy lately with taxes and spring cleaning! Yikes!
So this is just a quick post to let you know that I have added two new prints to my etsy shop.
Hope you are all doing well!
P.S. If I'm not following you yet on your blog, leave me a message here saying you have the following feature so that I can.

You're following my blog, thanks :)
I love your new paintings....
Sooooo precious as always!! I love that a cute black cat is often the star of your paintings! That is purrfect....
You are welcome to follow my blog...i am ALL about animals especially cats.
Carrie the SnipPet Girl
ooh! OOH! (Hand waving in the air!)
PiCK me! Pick mE! i have a bloggy thingy tOO X;-)
Hee! HEE! i ~Love~ your blog Tascha and your art always makes me feeL so chirpy and inspired X:-)
vicki x
love your new work tascha, even though i'm not a 'cat person' my daughter who adores your work and has a dog asks if you will ever do one of a little girl with a pug!
you're welcome to follow my blog - it's a little bit of this and that...
and tascha, thank you for allowing me to use your girl with the blue bird - it's stunning!
So lovely again your paintings! I just love them. I am still fairly new to the blogworld and not so active yet but working on it. Many greetings from a small island in the sun.
Wow! These new painting are lovely as ever!
I used to be a dog-person, but since we have our Maia, I'm ALL FOR KITTIES! And cats and Frida are a match made in heaven! Well done!
Best wishes, K.
PilliPilli Handmade
Ps. There's catpictures in my blog... kittens to be precise. You're welcome to drop by! (I don't think you follow yet...)
So cute! I just love your little paintings! Being a cat (and dog) person myself, I truly enjoy your subject matter... You are very welcome to follow my blog if you want to. :) Silke
Great pictures (like always)
Do you know, what little german witches do on this night?
If not, check it out on my blog.
Have a lovely weekend
LOVE these! I'm pretty sure you're already following my blog (thanks!)
~ Carolee
Awww, kitties and scarves, thank goodness no more scarves here in Michigan! Would love to see your face following my blog as it is not yet there... thanks :)
Sweet, as always.
Not sure if you're following me or not, but I do have that feature...and i love it!
Dear Tascha, thank you for joining my blog.
I really feel honoured, cause it´s because of you, that I started painting again.
I found your blog after seeing a youtube- video of you (three month ago I didn´t even know what a blog was), were you showed how to make a little book. When I saw all those wonderfull, colourfull, funny paintings on your blog, it reminds me of how much fun it was to paint, but I didn´t do it for more than ten years.
So I started again, the first one was "perfect night" which became my header.
And I startes blogin aswell.
And it is still so much fun and for me a way to rlax totally.
Thank you for your lovely paintings and for inspiering me.
Have a great Weekend
Hi Tascha! :) I would love for you to come visit/follow me.
A big fan!
You already follow my blog, which is an honor (by the way), but I want to tell you that I absolutely love the new prints- most especially the girl in the tree. I wish I'd seen that and added it to my recent order from you. I just framed the others and I love them to pieces, and will order a few more when I can. :)
OH! I absolutely adore the bottom of the two! You create such vibrant sunny feeling paintings.
You've been Tagged - http://thestoryofu.blogspot.com/2009/04/tagged.html
I love the purity of your painting! continues to create
Greetings from Spain
Hi Tascha,
I would LOVE to see your lovely avator following my blog, you are welcome anytime! Pop in for a visit :)
And Babushka in the tree is one of my favourites! She is just so sweet.
Kaili xx
Hi Tascha! I always love checking out your blog, especially the funny videos & pictures of Lily & Opie. You're welcome to stop by my blog for a visit anytime! Have a wonderful day! ~ Jill
Hi Tasha,
Please do come follow my blog...I'd be honored :)
Hi Tasha
I love your paintings and videos.It would be an honour if you would visit my blog. And if you follow me I will faint :)(kidding)
Thhhanks for your lovely work and amazing...videosssss...
I love the cameo ladies, they are so bright and fresh, yet old fashioned! You are welcome to come follow my blog, I hope to have some new paintings up by tomorrow--tell me what you think! I am heading for the St. Louis Art Museum now to accompany my "art major" daughter as she sketches there. It will be a fun day, probably lunching at Wolfgang Pucks~Yummy
Hi Tascha...LOVE your blog and artwork! I'm in Toronto as well and an up and coming (really struggling) artist! Would really love it if you would follow my BLOG!! http://reincharnated.blogspot.com/
Cheers, Charmaine
Always love you artwork and it puts a smile on my face to visit your little blog and see what you have been up too. Feel free to follow my blog also. Not much there yet, but I am working on it.
Love your sweet people who love animals. Me too. I follow you from now on..You can follow me at dorisbritt.blogspot.com Good thoughts from the brush...doris
I love the pattern on the scarf the girl is wearing in the second print.
Too cute!
Hi Tascha, I just discovered your blog (I followed you here from Peazcreation) and I'm so in love with your paintings! I have to catch up on all your older posts.
I have followers enabled but I'd be happy even if you just felt like stopping by to visit :)
I've been following you blog for awhile now, but just made it official. I think you work is fabulous, and very inspiring. Feel free to check out my blog and follow it if you wish. Cheers, Karin
LOVE your art! Your Frida's are ADORABLE!! I'm glad I stumbled across your blog :) I will follow and you're welcome to follow me too!
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