I can't even say the word "kittens" without thinking of this cute video on youtube.
Here is KITTENS in a basket! It is up for grabs on ebay
Below is a still frame from my video of a doll I got for my birthday when I was little:

If you haven't seen the video the link is here. I actually can't watch that video because it makes me cry. So if you are emotional, keep a kleenex close by :)
I loved that doll. It was so cool. A lady who worked at my dad's office made it for me. I loved her long legs and orange yarn hair. I played with her the most out of all my dolls.
I am showing just the legs of a doll I finished today. Looks like she is planning a trip somewhere!
I only have one doll to put up on etsy tomorrow. The other two weren't quite right. Poor dollies, I hope I don't give them a complex!
The new doll will be up in my etsy shop tomorrow.
So cute-
Can't wait to see the rest of them:)
Hi Tascha,
Your Video made me smile.
You were a cute little girl.
I wonder why it makes you cry,
I think it must be great to have souvernirs like this video.
Unfortunatly I haven´t one of me when I was a child. I just have a few Photos, which is sad.
It was interesting to see how you made your doll.
I found a great Video on Youtube.
Since your kittys are so chatty I´m sure you like it.
It calls "the two talking cats" and is absolutly gorgeous.
Have a nice weekend
awwwwh she reminds me of 'the hospital doll' that we gave my little sister when she was indeed 'little' and had to go into hospital for an op... She was red and black and long legged and raggedy and that doll became so precious to her <3 Luckily i have a sketch of her still and now you have inspired me X:-) as i didn't know what to do with those old sketches of mine... Perhaps i will frame this particular one and give it to her as a gift, Thankyou Tascha for the inspiration x Personally i love giving and receiving gifts from the heart and that is actually how i see your art, those gorgeous paintings and dollies (can't wait to see your latest one) just seem to come with your heart painted in tOO <3
Unfortunatly I haven´t one of me when I was a child no photo videos
So sweet:)
Love you and your dolly. I used to have a little faux patchwork dress like that too:)
Cute video from the little girl. She seemed to nail the expressions of what the cats were thinking. Looking forward to seeing your doll. My sons love the "mean kitty song" on youtube. It is very funny! That video has like 17 million views.
Your kitten painting is so sweet. I love the little sun in the corner of the sky. I reminds me of drawing when I was a little kid. It seems like every drawing had a sun in the corner. I still begin some of my drawings that way.
Have a happy SUNday.
ur video made me nostalgic.when v wer young ur toys wer like the world to us.v played with them,took care of them,decorated them,cried with them,danced with them n cant even close ur eyes at night without holding them.............but now everything has changed n i never ever realised when this transition took place.if only childhood can come back...............
Tascha, everything about this fills me with joy! (Especially the video. *grins* )
Jen ^_^
sweet kitties in a basket painting! i look forward to seeing your video when i get home (can't watch at work...)
Precious painting......as always!
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