I have 2 siamese cats, a flame point (Opie) and a seal point (Lily). I talk a lot about Opie, so today I want to talk about Lily.
Here is a picture of Lily when she was still a kitten. See how light her fur was back then?

Now that she is 3 her fur has gotten very dark. It was really interesting to be able to slowly see it change color over time.

This is my newest painting inspired by Lily.
She's a "nervous siamese". Very jumpy, but we love her and spoil her all the same.

"Nervous siamese is up for grabs on ebay
Ohmyword! Lily is gorgeous!
And how timely -- I was just discussing with my husband this morning about getting a 2nd Ragdoll; this time, we want a female Ragdoll with a different point (flame or seal point, did you say?).
You see, we already have Fluffy, a male bi-colour Ragdoll (oh, I am making him famous in my blog, haha), and we think he deserves more companionship!
Cute work!
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Love being the round number, heh.
Hi Tascha!
LOVE this post! Lily is beautiful...I had no idea about their fur changing color over time (I learn something new every day!). :)
And your newest painting is equally beautiful! Our little furbabies never disappoint in the inspiration department, do they?
Gorgeous painting, I love the way she is holding the kitty!
Micki x
I LOVE siamese cats! We had two of them while I grew up. Topaz and Gigi. Topaz was round and warm and purry and cuddly while Gigi was like Lily, skitterish and nervous. They both had litters of kittens so I got to see the wee "white" babies.I did not know that about the colour and heat of their bodies! I love the way Siamese are so talkative and clever:)
Lily is absolutely gorgeous Tascha! And your little nervous siamese painting is adorable! =o)
Happy Friday!
Such gorgeous babies! The painting is precious....a mama admiring her baby...so sweet. I rescued and fostered some flame point kittens that were going to be euthanized and I remember they were white (well, gray with dirt when i picked them up). I had no idea they would end up with peachy little accents. They were the sweetest kitties ever!
lily is suct a beautiful n cuddly cat.i love those eyes.
its nice to c u make ur own picture with ur baby cat.
lots of lov to both lily n opie!!!!!!!!!!
ur friend,
I just love seeing the pictures of your cats! I had a seal point for 15 years before we had to put her down for organ failure. We have a blue point at the moment. She's getting close to five years now and stubborn and chatty as all siamese are!
I grew up with Siamese cats! They're great! First we had Felix, a seal point, then Sylvester, a blue point. They were both so sweet & very vocal! Do yours have the Siamese "mee-OWL"? LOVE the pix of your baby Lily! What a beautiful girl. She looks very regal. The painting is adorable! Looks just like you only you're much thinner-ha. Happy Friday!~Jill
Love her outfit! And Seal is a very elegant cat.
Thank you all so much for your comments! It brightens my day when I read them!
Lily has the "ME-OWWWLL" type meow. Very siamese, and Opies is a little less like that. He is always the baby. So it suits him that he has a little kitten meow.
Sweet Lily - she's beautiful - then and now!!! I can see how her charm and beauty might inspire your latest creation. Peace.
I especially love Nervous Siamese! I just went through your entire Etsy shop offerings. I am in love! Am hoping to be decorating a baby room soon *prayer* and I will come back and buy some prints. You are amazing.
Lily is beautiful. Your "Nervous Siamese" print is wonderful. All of your art is. Very happy and colorful.
Love the beautiful colors in your paintings-as always,
She is gorgeous. Reminds me of my Seal Point Ragdoll! I love their coloring, especially as lil kittens.
The yarn looks great in that photo. My lil kitty got a hold of some paper ribbon and I was freaking out, but she pooped it all out and all was fine. I am very careful now to leave anything laying around!!! YIKES
I didn't know about siamese cats being white when they are born. Lily is a beautiful baby!
Cute and whimsical with a folk art feel!
Hey Tascha I love your honesty about the Paper Clay! If you get a chance check out my blog.If you click on my fliskr you can see a bunch of the puppets I have made!The puppets and marrionettes I make, some of their faces (except for the noses) have almost no detail and if you love to paint you can get all the depth with your skills of painting! Paper clay accepts paint like watercolor paper I LOVE it! You can see my videos on youtube under Sheri DeBow! I have two.I love your stuff and it would be out of this world if they came alive with three dimension(Just Like your little stuffed pieces give it that extra touch of dimension.) I hope you get a chance to fall in love with Paper Clay and your Art Teacher was a dork that he/she didn't encourage you to develop your own three-d style! Hello art teacher meet Picasso...Duh! xoxo Sheri Debow
I just love Siamese cats. I have had several. Once I had a female who got outside while in heat and became pregnant. Somehow she managed to find another Seal Point Siamese to mate with and all 4 kittens were Seal Points. As you said, they are all completely white at birth. Mine all had PINK eyes as well and I freaked out thinking they were all albinos, but the eyes soon turned their gorgeous blue. I kept one of the kittens and had mother and daughter for about 18 years! They were both very "Talkative"!
Beautiful kitties! I have a matched set of Seal Point Himalayan's. They have to be groome (that ridiculous lion cut) occasionally and I was so surprised that after the first time, their fur grew back much darker. Perhaps it was because they were still a bit kittenish and the process sped up the growth of their first adult coat of lovey, dark fur.
Love your kitties, love your work - you are a great artist.
MAD Goddess
huh! I never knew that! I had a friend who had a Himalayan Seal point, he was a sadistic little maniac but we loved him just the same.
I have a seal point exactly like your female and he's the joy of my life. We have two dogs and they all get along great.
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