What's the deal with cats and books, magazines, and newspapers? If you lay a newspaper on the kitchen table, a kitty will quickly come over and lay right down on the middle of it. Whenever I cozy into bed and start to read my newest art magazine, there's Lily or Opie sticking their heads underneath it! I have come to the conclusion that, they just want to be read to! All kitties love a good story.

Story time for kitty" is up for grabs on
this painting is just fabulous.
n the name of the book"puus n boots" reminded me of that movie'shanghai knights'.
its always a pleasure to check ur blog for these beautiful n colouful paintings that u do in ur signature style.
its not like that i dont like the intense or complex kinda oil paintings or abstract art but i just find ur artwork as the best.
keep up the good work.
n yes i totally agree with you.
n its not just cats but even dogs have the same habit.
my chinki used to sit on my books everytym i used to do my homework or poke her nose while i was going through the newspaper.
many a times she spilled the water while i was painting ...........n all this just coz she wanted to b the center of attention.
i miss those days.
That, Tascha, is frickin' adorable. I know just what you mean...Fletcher is always in the middle of anything book related.
That is absolutely true! Our Maia does that too! And so does my Parents cat, Chanel! (Only Chanel, WILL NOT let you turn the page, without causing drama... let me just say that there has already been quite some blood shed over the newspaper...)
Anyhow, Kitties would make such good Library-ladies!
Best wishes, and before I forget: That painting is ever so sweet!
PilliPilli Handmade
Just Cats? My three dorkie yorkies have a thing about blankets. Lay one across yourself and to them it's an open invitaion to come lay down for a nap. Of course it can be, your coat, towel you are trying to fold and put away, or the best, when you just make a bed.
Yesss!! When i have to study Ultri comes and lays exactly in my reading material... but this works also for ANYTHING that has the same shape and i leave over the table, the bed, etc. xD
BTW I GOT YOUR GIFTTTTTTTTTTT XD it's the prettiest mirror and card ever xD Thank youuuuuuuuu
That strikes a chord. Imagine what it was like when I had eight cats clamouring for attention. Putting claws through the page of a newspaper I was reading, strolling across the keyboard of my laptop and sending unfinished emails on my behalf! Not sure what the solution is, because the cats must come first!
Best wishes
Ohhh I LOVE this painting!! Her hair style is just adorable!! Great job, great job!!
That is adorable, I love it Tascha! xxx
She's adorable. My favorite!
Ha! That is SO true. All of my kitties do that too. They never cease to entertain with their quirky behavior. One of mine has decided to steal my paintbrushes and colored pencils one by one. It cracks me up!
Such a cute painting:)
Oh I think ALL cat owners can relate to that-ha! I just finished my coffee & newspaper at the kitchen table with my kitty Zoolou sprawled out on it. She sprang up when she saw a squirrel outside the window then my other cat Markie came to take her place. It's pretty much a daily routine. And why do they always seem to lie smack in the middle of the article you're trying to read? Happy coffee & cat hair day! ~ Jill
~ My kitty is the same~
~They are soaking up the knowledge~
as they sleep~ Silly things~
Beautiful as always..love the vibrant colors of your paintings the combination of orange with pink looks awesome!
Very cute and so , so true! My cat loves to rub her mouth on the spine of the book while I TRY to read.
Enjoy your day Tascha!!
I love the painting and the color combinations. Thx for sharing.
Yes, they do all seem to love a good story! Sweet painting - as always!
I like the more modern, grown up looking girl. I love the use of color and pattern in this one. It's a happy scene.
for a bit of funny on a boring evening, put a brown paper grocery sack on the floor. eventually one or both of the cats will come to investigate. let the fun begin. i once had a cat who would literally attack a roll of paper towels set out on the floor. more fun than a barrel of monkeys.
your newest cat piece is wonderful and makes me miss having cats!
oh this is a beautiful painting...luv the colors...and there is this love flowing thru the painting....u can really feel the affection between the two...
This is the first time I have visited your blog. Beautiful work! My sister Allison recommended your site. I wonder if she has ever written to you. She and her husband have a blog with spectacular photography and insightful writing. We are all cat lovers as well, and there are some photos of their cats. It's rockwaterandlight@blogspot.com. God bless you. Hugs back to you.
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