Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mama & Mondigliani

First off, a BIG THANK YOU! for all the sweet words of encouragement about the Artful Blogging article! You guys are truly the best! (((hugs)))

My Mom came here for a visit so I've been busy spending time with her. Today we went to the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario. The gallery has been re-designed by the famous architect Frank Gehry. It is so cool inside now!

My mom & I got our pictures taken inside the new addition to the art gallery. The security guard took the picture above.
Then as we went through a different section, I stumbled upon a Mondigliani that I LOVE!!! It is one that I have been inspired by MANY times. There it was, the original! I wanted my picture taken next to it, I knew not to use a flash, because I heard a flash can bleach out the paint over time. We took it (flashless), and all of a sudden a security guard pops up and got very angry! OPPS! So I guess no pictures of any kind are allowed in that section.
I'm glad I got it though :)

We had a lot of fun looking at all the art. There was a show on of surreal art including art and jewelry from Salvador Dalí. I loved the ruby inlayed lips with pearl teeth!

My mom brought some old pictures of me as a kid that I will show you later.
HUGS to all!!!!


andrea creates said...

What a cute photo of you and your mom-
I love Modigliani too :)

Divaeva said...

What beautiful ladies! Looks like you guys had a fun filled day! <3

Soggy Dog Studios said...

HI Tascha... great photo of your and your Mom...
A big Fat Congrats on your Artful Blogging article... I LoVe that magazine.... And you certainly deserve to be in it! I will have to pick it up on my next trip to the book store! Can't wait to sneak a peek! :)

nollyposh said...

Great photies! <3

Janine said...

The phptp of you and your mum is so nice. And how sweet that you were the flower- hairclips.

Priti Lisa said...

I love Modigliani and Dali!
You and your mom look like sisters!
Congrats on the mag, I'll pick up a copy next time I get to civilization.
Cheers, Lisa

aliceinparis said...

The first pic of you and your mom is WONDEFUL! the two of you are like peas in a pod:)

ale said...

Wow, Amedeo Modigliani was a great italian painter...and I'm very proud about this! Ciao!

suzi whitaker said...

two beauties, you and mama! and congratz on the article, must get my copy!

Charmaine D'Silva said...

Beautiful Pics Tascha! Have been to the redesigned AGO and it is wonderful as you friend and I also got told off by a security guard for taking photos there! Congrats on the mag spread too...amazing work.


Unknown said...

Oh I must get the artful blogging mag. I am such a big fan of your work. Congrats .Also I am in love with the wood sculptor in the museum .I love any art that is based in nature using raw materials,

Cindi Myers said...

I got my "Artful Blogging" today!
Super cool layout - so happy for you!
No wonder that you are so pretty!
Your mom is Beautiful! Looks like you two had great fun!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures Tasha. You look wonderful.

sMacThoughts said...

First a big (and deserved) congrats on that article, second I am blown away by the beauty of your Mom and see you both have that amazing hair!

Dean Grey said...

How charming, Tascha!

Now we know where you got that curly hair from!


Alkemilla said...

Your mom is as much beautiful as you are!