Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy cinco de mayo!

How is everyone today? Did you watch American Idol tonight? It's getting right down to the wire!
In celebration of cinco de mayo, I have a very colorful Frida painting to show you.
I love the rough paint strokes on her top and her (bigger than I normally do) hands.
As always Modigliani was a big inspiration on this one.

Frida with black cat is up for grabs on ebay.


Citygirl.em said...

You, my dear, are a fabulous painter. This little Spanish girl is beyond sweet. Nice job on her hands.


andrea creates said...

No,not yet-I'm on Pacific time:)Getting ready tho'...
Great Frida!

RosesRadishesandRubbish said...

Oh Tascha, Your colors are stunning! Love this. Yes, I am an idol fan! I thought Adam stole the show.. although they all did great.. what talent!:)

sMacThoughts said...

Yes, I watched; they are so hard on the young girl, Allison, she is amazing. A very fitting painting for this day!

Naija said...

what is cinco de mayo?cute painting

Georgina said...

Love the painting!!! Cinco de Mayo is very popular here since we're just a stone throw from Mexico...and yes, we have now several confirmed cases of the swine flu..sigh. Cinco de Mayo is Mexico's independence from France. Not many people know that, but it's a good excuse to party!! LOL

Love your little Frida..hope to see more.


Kaili Ittensohn said...

Gorgeous Frida! I never get tired of seeing your Frida paintings, though the different hands are nice!

I have never heard of Cinco De Mayo either, but sounds like fun

America Alcala said...

Hi Tascha, I love your new Frida Painting, she is lovely! I hope you can take a look at my new Frida drawing! :)

Ester García said...

Marvellous!! I love your style! :D

Julie said...

I'm lovin' the little kitty's face! So cute!

Anya said...

We love this painting :)
Special that ltlle kittenface ^__^
purss Kareltje
greetz ANYA

Tammy said...

Cutest face EVER!

America Alcala said...

Hi Tascha I wanted you to know I left you a surprise on my blog.....so please stop by.


America "Meri"

FAQ said...

She is so cute and colorful. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work.

Jane said...

Happy Mother's Day Tascha. I hope your kitties brought you breakfast in bed.
Love, Jane

lea goldberg said...

your work is beautiful tascha-and i still treasure the little wooden paintings i bought from you a few years ago!
love your cute videaos too!
best wishes

Erica Herbert said...

no IDOL for me~ i'm TV free?! weird, i know. it's a long story. LOVE her 1 furry eyebrow! cutie cute!
LOVE u sweets!

AnneW said...

Hey Tascha! Looks like you've been busy busy!
Hope things are good with you! :)

Dean Grey said...


Another adorable Frida piece!

I love the loops of hair behind her ears.

Frida's looking more stylish than ever!


O H I K A said...

Love the frida, she's beautiful!!I love all your paintings.

Unknown said...

I love her! How sweet!

Laurahtje said...

Love the new painting!

Yes I do watch American Idol.
I voted for Allison and Danny.
(Danny is from Milwaukee so we all have to vote for him)