I have this ORIGINAL 5"x7" watercolor painting of a sweet sleeping ladybug baby girl:

I painted her with watercolors and used pen and ink.

This is a print of a bee fairy sized at 10"x8"!!!
You will be winning BOTH!!!
Enter a comment on this post and on Monday night I will draw for a winner.
Hugs to all~
Love these, especially the bee fairy!!! Pick me, pick me!! :)
These are super duper cute as always! I would looooove to win them for my mom for mother's day! She is a Tascha fan now too :).
As usual, they both are perfect. I check in daily to see what new creations you have been up to.
Oooh, what fun! Please put my name in the drawing. :) If I win these I'll *finally* be able to start redecorating my living room. I've had a native american theme for the past ten years and I am so done with it! It's just not me anymore. I can not wait to give this room a face lift. ;)
Fantastic art! I wish everyone luck :)
!!!!! Yeah! :) I love them both and to actually own them would be an honor! I did a bee girl too...I love bees and honey too, but in person, I'm terrified! lol
Thank you for doing a giveaway!
Oh, pick me! Pick me! I can't believe how wonderful, to own such an adorable tascha original! And miss bee is so wonderful too! Oh, I hope it is me!
Love them both!!! I hope luck is with me. I want to thank you for the opportunity to try.
I am so happy to have found you on Etsy! I have a couple of your pieces I acquire from E-bay. :) Glad to be able to purchase your fabulous work again! Woo-hoo!
Tascha...I've been following your blog and your work. I love everything you do (art and other things...cats in particular). I am an aspiring self-taught (well, still in the very beginnings of learning) artist. I just joined ETSY (planetlovealot). I would love to own anything of yours.
I would be honored (not to mention, EXCITED) to win this! I just loooooooooooove your work.
Very adorable, as usual. =)
I love your work Tasha! Thanks for letting us follow your creative journey!
SWEET!! You know I am always here. And thanks for coming by to visit me.
xo suze
Let's make mad crazy Canadian lesbian sex love right now thru the internet.
I miss u.
Im not a bitch im just painting from morning till night. i seriously need to video mail you. I miss our little chats.
hey, im doing an art swap with jared, consider doing one with me!
Oh me! me! me! I wanna win! I never win anything, but one can dream!!!
Wow! What a lovely contest....I'm quite taken with the watercolor ladybug! Have I ever mentioned how delightful I find Canada?
LOL! Love your work!
Love them Tascha! Love love love the lady beetle sleeping sooo cute! Please pick me. Thanks for sharing!
You and Suzi Blu are the ones that inspired me to start painting and keep an art journal. I love your work Tascha and I hope I will become the proud owner of one of your beautiful paintings.
I don't want to look greedy and wish for two, because after all you already gave me the greatest gift of all. I just love to paint and create!
These giveaways are so much fun!
Today is a good day for pigtails!
yipppeeee....I love it when you have giveaways!
count me in Tascha!
Nova Scotia
Over here! Over here! I NEED these lovely pix to inspire my tired mind.
How kind! I found you from SuziBlu's blog... very inspiring.
These are just delightful!! Your work always makes me smile. Fingers crossed, hehe!
~ Carolee
OOOH....love them both! Gotta post and cross my fingers. Happy painting!
What a fantastic Sunday find... your blog via a link from Suzi Blu. The sleeping ladybug is just too cute. Ladybugs are just magical little creatures that always bring a smile to my face. I always seem to find one wintering in my home during the coldest months.
Hope you have a super week!
Love,love,love both!!!!Please let it BEE me....
i want the bee fairy!!!
Put me in the drawing, I want to win.
Hi Tascha...your new watercolor is fantastic!
These are just wonderful. I've been watching your vids and following your blog since I first caught your mini art journal video... and you're always so inspiring. Thanks.
Please count me in!
oh my God!! i'm exited just writting this!! Tasha!!! I would sooooo LOVE winning those 2, i LOVE both!!!!!! i'll cross my fingers and not sleep 'til monday :) - and wish your kitties pick me! :) (LOVE your blog and artwork, THANK YOU for sharing with the world :) )
Love your work so please enter me in the drawing.
I would be honored ( and so stinking excited)to win any of your beautiful creative works of art!!!
They are both cute. I love your art.
Tascha... I'm a fiber artist (quilter, knitter, paper art, etc...) who is new to painting & mixed media and I have been so inspired by your work and videos. It is a magical experience to see what you create, and to come away with the desire and inspiration to "make art". I'd love to be a lucky winner, but we're all winners anyway because you share what you do. So far I've tried a few collages and some watercolor & acrylics. I have a long way to go (did I stress LOONNGGG?) but I'm thankful for artists like you who give me something to aim for.
Boy O Boy!!! GLAD I made it on time!!!! HOPE I AM the LUCKY one!!! tee hee kisses and softest hugs to you know who!!!
The little lady bug painting is wonderful Tascha and so is the bee girl. :) I hope I win!!!
oh my gosh! i'd so love to win either one! i just love your art! huggs!
These are adorable! I just have to win that baby ladybug. :)
I love your site and I'd be honoured to win! Down the road from you in Kingston :)
What an amazing giveaway Tasha!! You are truly very generous :) I love to do giveaway draws myself, and I also enjoy to enter when other people do them too :D
I'm just a new fan of yours wishing to send you love. Found you from Suzi Blu's blog, don't you just love her?
I just want to say thanks for all the wonderful videos and for showing us your gorgeous kitties. I love kitties too, all of mine are rescues too, even my doggies are rescues. I love the sleeping lady-bug baby, she's so cute! How come you hardly ever see the red lady bugs anymore?
Both paintings are so great I think they should live somewhere clean and green like NEW ZEALAND!!!!Culture for the Colonies!!
I love both paintings and would be honored to have either one...Pick me... :)- Shonna
I love your work! These two should come live with me, I would treasure them, and being a broke artist I can't buy your work right now- but really really want to...
I would be thrilled to own these! i just love them both! Melinda
wow. fab! i'd love to win one of your beautiful pieces. x tam
Love your blog. Love all your creations! You are so sweet and inspiring! I would be over the moon to win these. Think they would be happy in our little hideaway house in the Scottish Highlands!
Thank you for sharing your world!
The two pictures are as cute as a button and l love ladybirds. The picture is so well done as all your work but the leaf looks like sateen, l am trying to get better in art but yours is just beautifull and its great watching your video's and reading your blog.
Tascha, I love your art and I don't know why I haven't put your blog in my blogroll yet! will do that now!
oh tAscHa!
How generous of you! I would be honored to win one of your lovely works!
iN jOy,
Hi Tascha!
I found you through Suzi Blu and I love the little girls you paint. It would be a huge blessing to win these two little beauties - I would give them to my two granddaughters!
OH. MY. GOSH. Please include me in the drawing, I would give these sweet little paintings such a good home!
Tasha's pretty colours
Fridas and kitty cats
Corsets, dolls and skating
Ladybugs and HOT apple cider
Collage fairies, magic boxes
Mermaids flying
Make me wanna dance
with this spring giveaway
Do I have a chance?!!!
I love your art, which me look
Love, MArgarita
Bonjour Tascha! MOI! MOI! MOI ! Your art is getting better and better! Imagine 10 years from now !!! Have a great week! LuLu xxx
that is sooo cute!
They are wonderful! Please enter my name.
I love them both. Thanks so much for this darling wee giveaway:))
Cute, Cute, Cute! She would go perfect with my other adorable Tascha paintings!!! Hope I win!!! ~Raquel
Tascha, these are both darling!
I actually discovered you thru ebay
when I did a search for "cat paintings" and was impressed with your talent, creativity and use of
amazing colors!
What a way to bring us lurkers out! Please enter me as I would be thrilled to win these!
Awesome! I never miss a giveaway!
Lovely work, Tascha.
Please count me in! I love these!
Love it, Want it, Need it!
OOO...OOO...OOO Pick me!
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