The weather has been so windy here lately. The kind of wind that blows your hair doo all over the place :)
As I was walking home from the post office with my hair standing straight up, I thought... "this would be perfect weather to fly a kite"!
Tonight I have listed "Kite Flying. It is up for grabs on ebay.
Hoping I don't blow away!
I love flying kites and I love just walking in the wind(if it's not blow-you-down wind or chill-your-bones wind). I love the feeling of wind blowing my hair...until later when I have to get the snarls out.
If I could look as cute in a kerchief as "Windy" does...I'd wear one.
Tgis is soooo cute:)
I have to go look at your shop!
oh she is DARLING Tascha:)
I've learned very quickly why they call Chicago the windy city! ohmygosh...I am always blowing away!!! Now I know that I just need a cute kerchief and a kite!
I love this, it's so pretty! This time of year we get lots of people flying kites across the river next to our house, it's lovely to watch.
I love, I am excited ... it's wonderful. Also, it's strange because now I'm working on an acrylic kids and comets ... finished ... and when you give me your opinion. greetings
She looks great - and is keeping her hair doo all in place perfectly! And I am impressed that she can hold on to her kite AND her kitty at the same time...:) Silke
another beauty!!!
Bonjour Tascha! Glad to be back blogging again, I have been away for a little while ... Your little painting is absolutely adorable! Whenever I go to the beach in Maine with my son, we bring a kite. I just love the feeling of the wind tugging on it! One year, when Ulysse was 3 years old, someone on the beach gave him a flying kite and tied it to his little chair. He stood up to tell his grandparents about it and when he returned, the chair was gone! It was up in the air with the kite! Who knows where they ended up, but this memory always brings back wonderful souvenirs ... Take care, LuLu
Up, up and away! It has been blowy here on the East coast too:)
It's been very windy here in Kansas too, although that's nothing new! I never bother to do much with my hair. The painting is darling! ~ Jill
This is beautiful - great idea.
I love kite flying and the wind itself and the freshness of it. She looks great as does her kitty.
What a sweet painting.
I love the greenish sky.
That´s so typical for your paintings.
Your paintings are amazing! May I add you to my favs to I don't lose you??
This is one of your strongest paintings, IMHO.
Great pose from the figure as she's holding onto the kite.
Her heeled boots, her detailed coat, the flip of her hair. So many little touches in this painting.
I love the splattering of paint in the background sky too!
So many colors and so many details in this one!
Love it!
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