Hello beautiful people! This last weekend was Victoria Day weekend here in Canada. I spent my holiday cleaning and organizing art supplies.
The other day I saw a video on the news of a baby elephant that was just born. It was so sweet! He was trying to walk right away. Isn't that amazing? How some animals just get right up on their feet just as soon as they are born!
I couldn't find the video to show you, but I did find this video of an elephant painting a portrait of another elephant! Don't believe me? Check out the video. It is amazing!!!
My elephant painting is up for grabs on ebay.
Ah, how sweet is that?! This is a fun one Tascha :)
Oh Tasch, I love this! Its so beautiful and happy!
Ive seen this video before too, isin't it amazing?
I also just realized Im on your top commentors list.. I guess I do visit alot!
So sweet ^^ I love your art so much
You're right, my cat had babies and they only think about drinking (poor Rory (that's my cat's name)).
I can see that you love your cats so much, they are so beautiful.
Wonderful!!! I wish I had seen that video too. Baby-animals are just so endearing...
Well done to make such an 'inspired' painting!
Best wishes,
Pilli Pilli Handmade
That knocked my socks off !! julie
OH, that is the CUTEST painting ever!!! Sooooo precious.
I saw that video of the elephant painting on TV recently. Pretty amazing!
it's incredible!
hi tascha :)
i like so much your blog, your art,
hello tascha
That video fantastic ,incridible that you encourage treaties with love and dignity is able of doing.
grieves that many human beings don't respect his noble and beautiful nature.
Your painting this beautiful one and display with mastery all the tenderness contained in such a sweet giant!
What a wonderfull painting! And the video is incredible.
Dear Tasha, we waited quiet long for a new painting of yours.
This elefant painting is so nice.
I love the fat cat holding babushka fast.
And thank you for showing us that video.
I watched it with a chicken- skin.
It´s breathtaking.
And again it shows, that we have to overthink what we might know or think we know about animals.
There are people who deny, that animals have a concious.
I think, that´s unbelivable.
Have a nice day
I love it! What a cute elephant!! :) Silke
I saw that elephant video a while back, definitely one of the coolest things I've ever seen!
That's just about the happiest painting ever!!!
Love the toenails. :)
I love that you painted the elephants toe nails. Thanks for popping over to my little blog. If you lived closer, I'd pass a jar of honey your way. karin
Just catching up with your latest pieces now, Tascha!
Who knew elephants were so talented!
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