I had some trouble getting going and came this close to giving up and not doing it again. I was getting all caught up on worrying about making it "good enough". Finally with the deadline looming, I decided to throw caution to the wind and just start drawing, something, ANYTHING! I did the above drawing quickly. Just a quick sketch of me trying on different glasses. The theme I was given for my journal was "in 10 minutes". I went with that and made each page in 10 minutes. FAST with no regrets.
You know what? I finished it. Is it my best work? Heck no! But that's okay. It was very freeing and I learned a few things along they way. Now I can look forward to the show when it comes to Toronto this summer. YAY!!! I wanted to show you guys the whole journal as if you were flipping through it, so I made a video:
Thanks for joining me today!