The weather in Ontario Canada is wild and wooly. Here in Toronto though, it hasn't been too bad. In Southern Ontario where my parents live it has been white-out conditions almost every day! My parents have a little dog named Flossie. This is her very first winter. Guess what? She LOVES IT! That's right! She thinks it's great!
Check out the picture below of Flossie digging threw the snow to get at the bird seed on the ground! She digs in the snow every time she goes outside. Face first with no worries in the world. She comes out of it covered in snow from head to toe :)
As you can see, little Flossie is making an appearance in some of my paintings. She is just so darn cute!
My painting "Snowing Cats and Dogs" is currently up for grabs on ebay
This picture made me smile! it is so cute! And the painting as well of course as always.
Your painting and Flossie are soooo cute!
Flossie is such a brave little girl! My toy poodle absolutely hates winter. He gets terribly shaky and look up me with big sad puppy eyes, saying "Pick me up and carry me, please!!!"
that is the funniest thing! xox - Kim
What an adorable painting...I have to hope over to ebay...now
So darn cute!
I'm in London Ontario where we are breaking records of most snow ever!
Hope you have a wonderful holiday season.
Love your artwork. The colors are wonderful. I particularly like the characters with the dog and cats.
This is so adorable!
Flossie is so cute!!!
Estou encantada com os seus trabalhos. Parabéns.
Deixo-lhe o convite para visitar o meu blogue em http://artefactopxavier.blogspot.com
OK that dog photo is hysterical!
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