I've got some new items in my esty shop!.
I'm digging the new dolls. Little red and her friend Wolfie :)

What could be cuter than a cat wearing a kerchief? Have you ever put a kerchief on a cat before? Well it is darn cute! I will have to take a picture of Lily with a kerchief on and show you.
The kerchief kitty painting is up for grabs on ebay!
OK, I have to say the orange kitty with the kerchief is my absolute favorite! It makes me think of my little orange kitty who is just recovering from a major illness. I'm very mothering to him right now and if he'd hold still I would put a kerchief on him.
Your artwork if fabulous,
All so cute! Little Red has the sweetest face. :)
Bonjour Tascha! Oh! Your dolls are beautiful! Love them! I will go and check on your new stuff in your Etsy shop! You made me smile, I know exactly what you mean about putting a kierchief on a cat! My son and I always try different hat fashion on our cats and our dogs and have a great time! One of our cats, Souris, the tiniest cat you have ever seen, wears absolutely everything, she just does not care, so one day she can be a mean soldier and another day a sweet princess. I think my animals, as goof as they might be sometimes, must think we are absolutely nuts!!! Have a great weekend! LuLu
The dolls are great. The colors are wonderful. I hope you are enjoying your new sewing machine. As always everything else is so fun and well done.
Hey Tascha,
I love your little doll. Very Cute!
Have you ever thought of making them smaller for X-mas gifts?
I was just enjoying your videos.
Your little cat in a kerchief is absolutely adorable...your cat models are also adorable. I loved your story about Obie.
Your dolls are really beautiful!!! And your sewing machine is just like candy, I even thought it was a fake one ^^
your work is inspirational! and i love that the wolf and red are friends!
A visit to your blog is a visual colorfest. Fantabulous!
I am not a big blogger (yet), but i follow your blog almost every day to see what you have created. I just LOVE your work. The style and content and utter cuteness speak volumes to me :)! I just added you to my blog. I am new to this, but knew that you should be at the top of my favorites. http://snippetgirl.blogspot.com/
As you will see, I am a fellow artist and cat lover. Thank you for you inspiration and for celebrating our furry friends in your work.
Many purrs to you,
The SnipPet Girl
Loving that Little Red and the cloth dolls. So colourful and happy. x
I do like Little Red and the blue wolf. They're friends! :D
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