Saturday, July 12, 2008

No more candy!

HI Y'all!
Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I'm doing better after the tooth fiasco. I have sworn off candy. Not entirely because of my teeth, but because I think sugar is not a good thing to eat in abundance. See, I was gobbling about a bag of M&M's a day. Maybe not a whole bag, but pretty close. I decided to kick the habit and I haven't eaten any candy for a whole week! I've had sugary cereal and such, but NO CANDY. This is huge for me. I am a full blown candy addict.
Today I went out and got a bag of dried mango, dried figs and a bag of raisins. I will eat these when I get the urge for candy. YAY!


Anonymous said...

Try dried apples.. and honey..

Anonymous said...

Hello Tascha
That's a good idea to do not eat candy. I am trying to stop drinking soft drinks like Coke. They aren't good. I wish you all the best. Lucas :D

Giggles said...

Your art is really wonderful! I enjoy it so much! Good for you making healthier choices. I hear that sugar is addictive...the more you eat the more you want!

Hugs Giggles

REB said...

I gave up all sodas and i have my chocolate fix once and awhile but I try to go for the fruit before the sugary stuff. Organic honey also gives the sugar high feeling as well. When I was trying to get myself off of my sugar addiction for cookies and other fun stuff I would take a little spoon of the honey and it would help stop the craving for the refined sugar. Also, fruit and maple syrup is good for stopping the craving. Getting off refined sugar is hard. You have to flush it out of your system literally and then train your mind to think of it as gross, which is hard because we all know it tastes fantastic, but it is evil, so it is good to give up least in large amounts. Good luck! I still haven't made it off sweets completely, but I certainly eat a ton less, plus it is always good for the waistline, which I found out. That was a delightful surprise benefit.

Judy Shea said...

So that's why your art is so SWEET, isn't it??

turquoise cro said...

hmmmph! I just bought some caramels and I'm starting to get hooked on the lil' Sour Patch kids candies! Have YOU heard of them Tascha?!! Sorry about your dental emergency! Dental chairs make me nervous although I have the tenderest dentist in all the world!!! Raisins are great!

suze said...

I am also addicted to sugar. Soda and candy are my downfall. I have tried and tried to quit. They have groups for alcohol and smoking...but not for sugarholics! How come? We need to start up a group...I need a sponsor!
Glad you are feeling better.
xo suze

kittyism said...

Oh how I love candy and soda... I've been baby stepping the giving them up for a bit. Soda is mostly outta there, but I get these cravings for cookies now... ugh.

I love this painting... Something about her eyes...

Carolyn said...

good Lord Woman! tell me you haven't COMPLETELY sworn off chocolate!
sadly I know what you mean... I like goodie-time too!

Tequitia said...

This is day one of me reducing my sugar intake. I love sweets, but they are killing me...literally!

Annette said...

I just got back from the dentist today. I had three cavities filled! I even cried when he gave me the shot to stop the pain. I am such a baby when it comes to the dentist.
I had to give up all sugar once when I was pregnant. The doctor told me I was borderline gestational diabetes. It was sooooo hard, but doctor's orders and it was for the baby, so I did it. It took about a week of struggling with the cravings, and then it was easy.
I don't know if I have enough motivation to do it again. Go girl!!


sMacThoughts said...

That is unthinkable to me...a day without candy is rare, but I applaud you!